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Photos: Koen Broos


‘Never was a shade of a tree so lovely...’, it says in Händel’s famous aria ‘Ombra mai fu’. Alain Platel and visual artist Berlinde De Bruyckere take inspiration from the shade of a tree as a meeting place, as a place where people all over the world and throughout history come together to rest, meet or discuss problems. De Bruyckere’s poetic world of images seems to share a kinship with Platel’s universe. 

After the overwhelming success of C(H)OEURS 2022, Platel once again invites the chorus members, dancers and orchestral musicians of Opera Ballet Vlaanderen to join a creative dialogue. Together with singer and performer TK Russell and guest choreographers Mélanie Lomoff and Luis Marrafa, they create the performance Ombra. Composer Steven Prengels is developing a new orchestral score in which he interweaves well-known classical masterpieces by the likes of Händel, Bach, Mozart and Beethoven into new layers of meaning.

More information, Dates and Tickets via

m u s i c a l   c o n c e p t

a n d    c o m p o s i t i o n

Steven Prengels


d i r e c t o r 

Alain Platel

c o n d u c t o r

Jan Schweiger, Zachary Zhu

s c e n o g r a p h y

Berlinde De Bruyckere

g u e s t   c h o r e o g r a p h e r

Mélanie Lomoff, Luis Marrafa

c o s t u m e   d e s i g n

Dotje Demunck

l i g h t i n g   d e s i g n

Felice Ross

d r a m a t u r g

Koen Bollen, Hildegard De Vuyst

s o l o i s t

TK Russel

p e r f o r m e d   b y  

Orchestra, Chorus and Ballet of Opera Ballet Flanders

p r o d u c t i o n

Opera Ballet Flanders

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